How does the price of billboard advertising compare to other types of advertising?

Different advertising options are compared using the Cost-per-Thousand Impressions (CPM). It is the cost for every 1,000 times your ad is viewed by a person. For billboards in the metro Orlando area, the CPM usually ranges from around $3.50 to $10. One advantage for billboards is the views are based on the LIKELIHOOD to see. Other advertising is usually based on opportunity to see, so you are getting a more accurate CPM with billboard advertising.

How much does a billboard cost?

That’s kind of like asking how much does a house cost. Prices will vary widely depending on a lot of factors. In the Orlando metro area, there are a few billboards available for around $900 per 4-week period and prices can go up to over $16,000 per 4-week period. While this price range can seem high compared to some other types of advertising, you are getting far more exposure and views, and therefore more exposure for each dollar spent with billboard advertising than almost all other advertising options. In the end, total cost should not be the deciding factor. Visibility, CPM and Return-on-Investment are far more important.

Is there a way to know how many people actually see our ad?

Yes…in a way.  Most advertising cannot prove exactly how many people have or will see your ad. But billboards actually have a more accurate audience measurement system than most types of advertising. Most billboards (and some other OOH media types) have been audited by Geopath, and offer details such as weekly circulation (the number of people LIKELY to see your ad).  Most other forms of advertising, including TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, internet and some types of direct mail only offer a circulation estimate base on the OPPORTUNITY to see your ad, which is far less precise.

Why use OOH advertising?

OOH advertising is the second fastest growing advertising medium in the market place today trailing only the internet. The reason for that is companies are finding OOH advertising provides more return on investment. OOH also increases the effectiveness of other advertising…boosting the ROI of other advertising by as much as 100%.

People spend more time today away from home than ever. OOH influences your customers when they are mobile and most likely to make a decision to buy. The presence of outdoor advertising continually reaches consumers where they live, work, shop and play, to deliver your message.

Consumers are increasingly exposed to a growing list of multiple choices in both broadcast and print media; there are hundreds of T.V and radio stations to choose from. Consumers are also avoiding advertising messages by using remote controls, DVR and Satellite Radio. Newspaper & magazine circulation has had a steady decline for the last 10 years. Outdoor advertising presents a powerful alternative choice for uncluttered delivery of your message and should be part of any mixed media program. Outdoor advertising can’t be turned off, thrown out or ignored; it’s Big, Bold and Colorful and is one the most cost efficient forms of advertising delivering the lowest Cost-Per-Thousand impressions. 

What is involved in renting billboard space?

The easiest way to get the best pricing is to call Billboard Connection. Let us know the area where you would like to have a billboard and the time period you want to advertise. We will locate ALL available billboard inventory (not just the three well known companies) and present you with a proposal with locations ranked based on your goals and our expertise.  You choose the location. We work with you to create the best possible design and content for your ad. This is a critical step because poor ad design will be a waste of money. For vinyl billboards, we will have the ad printed at the best price you’ll get from anyone, and have it installed.